Friday, October 29, 2004

A carpenter

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would miss the paycheck each week, but he wanted to retire. They could get by.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go & asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, "This is your house... my gift to you." The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently. But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your attitude, and the choices you make today, help build the "house" you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, Build wisely!
~Copied from a forwarded mail~

Saturday, October 16, 2004





<哭> 词曲 陈庆祥 阿牛

以前我看到朋友哭 我很羡慕
可是我怎么逗我自己 怎么弄我自己 我的眼泪都流不出
能够把满腔的无奈 满腔的痛苦 让泪水带走
最苦是泪水哽在心头流不出 就象要爱却不懂怎么去爱
只有真正懂得付出的人才懂得何为哭 为何哭
再坚强的心偶尔也会脆弱 心会痛 心也会感动
只有曾经懂得付出的人才懂得何为哭 为何哭


~木目心 笔~

Friday, October 15, 2004




每当看到朋友脸上有忧愁时,我会对他说,如你需要一双耳朵,我的耳朵是随时候命。如他不曾提出那话题,我是绝不过问。我一直坚信,如他想说或者认为我可以分享他的忧愁,他会告诉我,我不必问。如他不想说,我根本没有提问的必要。我的提问,可能只会增加他的烦恼。你可能不赞成我的做法。你可能会说,朋友不是应该互相照应吗? 他不开心,你就应该去了解他的情况,然后提出意见,帮助他啊。 我是曾建议过自己那样做,但我觉得那不是一个好办法。为什么呢?可能是我潜意识里不希望别人也如此对我吧。



我应该是自我保护意识很强的人吧,习惯独立的人通常都有此意识。我不想麻烦别人,不想别人听我诉苦。所以,我通常都是自个儿在想事情,自己的问题、不开心与烦恼。当我生气或是不开心时,我不希望有人来了解我,因为我知道那不是一个适用于我的方法。 我需要的是一个人独处、冷静,让心情沉淀。我的生气是我的短暂发疯,不应由别人来承担。少许了解我的人,会给我一个宁静的空间,而不是千方百计的要撬开我的嘴与心房。我是一个直肠子的人。我想说的话我会说,要不,无人须浪费任何力气。



Monday, October 11, 2004










她已作出决定,只等他。如他下不了决定,真的做朋友,只做朋友,只能是朋友,那么,多谢他投我一票。 做不成情侣的男女不能是朋友。





Sunday, October 10, 2004



广东人有一句话-- 人要胆大、心细、脸皮厚。虽然这句话通常用于追求女孩子,但,意思与锲而不舍大致相通,说的也是不放弃,一直坚持追求目标。 当一个男孩锲而不舍、全心全意甚至千方百计去追求一个女孩时,那应该是值得赞赏的。但,如果那女孩始终没能对他有所感觉或接受他时,那锲而不舍会变成死缠烂打。





Thursday, October 07, 2004





就从那时开始,我就成为了一个‘浪女’,一年才回家那两三次,每次不超过三星期。在那段时间里,我也有想家,但也是属於少数。 当我感到厌倦于课业与烦人的事时,我会有想冲回家的感觉。家始终是最安全、最好的避风港。这话听起来有少许自私,但我相信我爸会一直支持我。就如他说的,年轻时就应多出外看看这世界。我实在很庆幸他是我的爸爸,因为他不认为女生不必受高等教育,因为他相信我。我离家这么久,他从不问我如何花钱,而且每次我打电话回家时,他第一个问题就是钱还够用吗? 那不是因为我家有钱,那只是因为他相信我,他疼我。




Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Say it before it's too late

Peter and Tina are sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends are having fun with their beloved half.
Tina: I'm so bored. Just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
Peter: I guess we're the only leftovers. We're the only person who isn't with a date now. (both sigh n silence for a while)
Tina: I think I have a good idea. Lets play a game
Peter: Eh? What game?
Tina: Eem..It's quite simple. You be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Peter: Oookay..Anyway I don't have any plan for the next few months.
Tina: You sound like you aren't looking forward to it at all. Cheer up. Today will be our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
Peter: What about a movie? I heard that there is a really great movie in theater now.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets move. (went to watch their movies and sent each other home)
Day 2:
Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.
Day 3:
They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present. Share an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.
Day 7:
Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watch the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed, they said sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.
Day 25:
Spend time at a themepark and got onto rollercoasters, and ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got in the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed together for a while.
Day 67:
They drove pass a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show. Went around to see other entertainments around after the show. Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.
Day 84:
Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day. They have their first kiss with each other just as the sun is setting.
Day 99:
They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench.
1:23 pm
Tina: I'm thirsty. Lets rest for a while first.
Peter: Wait here while I go buy some drinks. What would you like?
Tina: Eem...Apple juice will be just fine.
1:43 pm
Tina waiting for about 20 minutes and Peter havent return. Then someone walked up to her.
Stranger: Is your name Tina?
Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
Stranger: Justnow down there on the street a drunk driver has crashed into a guy. I think its your friend.
Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and sees Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hands. The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours. The doctor came out, and he sigh.
11:51 pm
Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket. The doctor hands over the letter to Tina and she goes into the room to see Peter. He look weak but peaceful. Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears. Here is what the letter said.
Tina, our 100 days is almost over. I had fun with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less thoughtful, but these all brought happiness into my life. I have realize that you are a really cute girl and blamed myself for never taken the time to knowing that. I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day. I want to be your boyfriend forever and wish that you can be beside me all the time. Tina, I love you.
Tina: (sobbing) Peter. Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor. I asked God to let us last forever. We were suppose to last 100 days so Peter! You can't leave me! I LOVE YOU, but can you come back to me now? I love you Peter. I LOVE YOU. As the clock struck twelve, Peter's heart stopped beating. It was 100 days.
Tell the guy or girl that you love them before its too late. You never know whats going to happen tomorrow. You never know who will be leaving you and never return.
~Copied from an forwarded mail~