Saturday, September 25, 2004

Tulip Festival

Today was a sunny day. After a year of waiting, I went to the tulip festival in Dandenong Range at last. It was incredibly pretty. I was so enjoy running here and there to take heaps of photos. In fact, I gained half inch height during my stay in the farm. Why? It was because of the mug that sticked to my shoes. I could sense that my feet were half kilo heavier and I could hardly get rid of them. ^^
There is a say, 90 per cent of girls like tulips. Do you like tulips? Why do tulips have such charm that can attract girls attention? Is it because it's rare in Asian countries and it's expensive? Or because of its name in chinese? For me, I like tulips is because of its chinese name and its colours. As an ordinary girl, I like any flower but I don't quite like roses. Don't ask me why. I just don't quite like them among the others. In contradiction, the flowers that I used to receive from my past relationship were roses, red roses. Yes, I like red but not red roses. Yet, I will not resist white and blue roses after all. Girls are unpredictable!! Haha... Ohh yes. I will never forget my beloved sunflowers and daisy.


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